longview residential care
daily life
Residents are encouraged not to stay in their rooms during the day, but to be in one of the lounges or the dining room. The care staff are always on hand to help them as necessary.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided in the dining room. The care staff assist residents with all aspects of daily life. On most days we have live music, exercise or other entertainment for the residents provided by a large number of experienced entertainers. Our hairdresser attends the Home every week together with our Complimentary Therapist and Podiatrist.
We have a large fish tank with many varieties of fish in the main lounge which is a wonderful centrepiece.
Social workers, GPs, and other healthcare professionals also visit frequently to attend to residents’ needs. Our staff also accompany residents to GP and hospital appointments as required.
Friends and family are always welcome to visit the Home. We ask that visitors try not to come during mealtimes if possible. If you are not able to visit then please call us anytime and we can either up-date you regarding a resident or can assist with a Facetime or voice call. We have an iPad that we use for Facetime calls to allow for a better quality of call than a phone.
We have an annual party, usually in around September time for all residents, staff, friends and relatives.

We are extremely satisfied with the level of care and support you provide for [my husband], as well as all other residents in your care. We believe that the up-dates you provide, both e-mails and phone calls, along with FaceTime calls, are keeping us all well informed during this strange time.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all very much for the care you have given [MB] especially at this difficult time.
I think everyone at Longview is very professional and caring and very good at looking after the residents with dementia that can be challenging, they are all very pleasant and helpful.